This function is very fast and returns a packed array. Added IGInde圎dgeList for retrieving the edge list of a graph in terms of vertex indices.Matrix functions: IGZeroDiagonal, IGTakeUpper, IGTakeLower, IGAdjacencyMatrixPlot, IGKirchhoffMatrix, IGJointDegreeMatrix.Export functions: IGExport, IGExportString, $IGExportFormats support for exporting standards-compliant GraphML that can be read by other igraph interfaces (R, Python).A framework for easy property transformations and graph styling: IGVertexProp, IGEdgeProp, IGEdgeVertexProp, IGVertexMap, IGEdgeMap, IGVertexPropertyList, IGEdgePropertyList.Maximum flow: IGMaximumFlowValue, IGMaximumFlowMatrix.Dominance: IGDominatorTree, IGImmediateDominators.Matching functions: IGMaximumMatching, IGMatchingNumber.Spanning trees and other tree-related functionality: IGSpanningTree, IGRandomSpanningTree, IGSpanningTreeCount, IGUnfoldTree, IGTreeQ, IGForestQ, IGTreelikeComponents, IGTreeGame, IGStrahlerNumber.Planar graphs: IGPlanarQ, IGMaximalPlanarQ, IGOuterplanarQ, IGKuratowskiEdges, IGFaces, IGDualGraph, IGEmbeddingQ, IGPlanarEmbedding, IGOuterplanarEmbedding, IGCoordinatesToEmbedding, IGEmbeddingToCoordinates, IGLayoutPlanar, IGLayoutTutte.Centralization: IGDegreeCentralization, IGBetweennessCentralization, IGClosenessCentralization, IGEigenvectorCentralization.Proximity graphs: IGDelaunayGraph, IGGabrielGraph, IGRelativeNeighborhoodGraph, IGLuneBetaSkeleton, IGCircleBetaSkeleton.Lattice generation: IGLatticeMesh, IGTriangularLattice.Mesh/graph conversion: IGMeshGraph, IGMeshCellAdjacencyMatrix, IGMeshCellAdjacencyGraph.Clique cover: IGCliqueCover, IGCliqueCoverNumber.
Mathematica 11.2 changes windows#
Currently, the following platforms are supported: Windows 64-bit, OS X 10.9 or later, Linux x86_64 with glibc 2.14 or later, Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Stretch. This error may be shown when trying to load IGraph/M on an incompatible platform. It includes everything needed to run the package.ĭo not clone the git repository and do not use the master branch unless you want to develop IGraph/M.
Mathematica 11.2 changes download#
Please download IGraph/M from the GitHub releases page instead. Loading fails with this error if one tries to use the master branch (development branch) without the necessary dependencies. "Cannot open LTemplate`LTemplatePrivate` " For other operating systems the package must be compiled from source (see for guidance).Īfter installation, the package can now be loaded with All, "SystemID" -> All] returns a non-empty list. Binaries are included for Windows 64-bit, OS X 10.9 or later, Linux x86_64 and Raspbian (Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi). IGraph/M requires Mathematica 10.0.2 or later.